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Eric Garner, four white bigots and a clown

Eric Garner, 4 white bigots and a clown

No surprises there hey?  Well for some of you it may be a surprise as to just what a clown Rand Paul happens to be. But as we slowly progress into the GOP primaries, it will be the GOP who pulls back the curtain to expose the big red rubber nose and the long silly shoes.

Taxation of tobacco products has saved millions of lives for people quitting for the cost, like me. It has put in millions for cancer research and reduced our health care cost by billions.

What’s next of Senator Rand? Will he follow George Will in all that anger and angst against seat belts and car seats for children? And Will’s infamous two-part column in NEWSWEEK calling for all Americans to carry a semi-automatic assault rifle in hand at all times? You know, let’s be more like Somalia and Afghanistan.

Personally I think just a sharp machete in everyone’s belt will do the job. Hey, it works in the Congo. Why do we have to always try and be more like Somalia and Afghanistan, why can’t we try and be more like the Congo and Rwanda?

Let’s take everyone’s gun away and replace them with a sharp machete. And give them out free to those who can’t afford them. It may sound odd, but not a bad idea for every black male to have on in hand at all times.