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Bill Cosby cereal pudding rapist and his 23 passed out girlfriends

Bill Cosby and his 23 passed out girlfriendsWell there are only 19 of them shown here, but since this video was made earlier in the week four more have stepped forward and it now sits at 24 women he drugged and fked. And if the last one is right, that he did it to her and 9 other Playboy Bunnies, that jacks it up to 32. My Jello pudding will never taste the same.

I notice it is not only talk radio and Fox News defending him but also normally moderate Republican columnist Kathleen Parker.

The list of acceptable Negroes grows for the GOP:  Clarence Thomas, Ward Connerly, Charles Barkley, Amy Holmes, Mia Love, Herman Cain, Alan Keyes, Ben Carson, Ken Blackwell, Ron Christie, Larry Elder, James Meredith, Tim Scott, Condoleezza Rice, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Alan West, JC Watts, Walter Williams, Armstrong Williams and now cereal and pudding rapist Bill Cosby.

Thye could all fit in that one room in that Mississippi mansion where they make the mint juleps.