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Evolution is for Smart People, PBS Digital

evolution for smart people onlyThe problem being that about 46% of Americans have brains too small to grasp the largeness of time. That it is time which is the central driving force of evolution. They just can’t grasp it, they only go back about 10,000 years or so.

I have the solution. Make anthropology a required subject in high school.  I remember as a Freshman in college taking the course and how the professor with a big ball of twine in one hand, and a step ladder in the other, slowly moved around the large pit classsroom taking it up every 20 feet or so. It took most of that first hour of the course explaining points on the twine from the Big Bang until today. The hour ended with him making a mark just before the last few inches and telling us, and this area here is the length of time humans have been on this Earth, and what this course is about.

I am sure anthropology professors have all used similar examples in trying to get us to understand the concept of TIME. It worked for me and I am sure it would help all kids better understand our place in the world.

So instead of having this creationism vs evolution debate, let’s just mandate a semester of anthropology in all K12 classrooms. Yeah Right…