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Face the Nation Video: Senator Lindsey Graham to hold up nominations of Hagel and Brennan

lindsey graham is an a wholeThis guy has always reminded me of the movie Cool Hand Luke when actor Struther Martin playing the chain gang boss does that infamous Southern drawl of “What we got here, is failure to communicate.”  Lindsey when just a lowly Congressman happened to be one of the most visible HOUSE MANAGERS in the Impeachment of President Bill Clinton. The most embarrassing moment for America in our 200 year history. Lindsey seemed to always be on camera pretending he was a moderate saying he had no idea how he would vote. Hilarious, Republican congressman FROM SOUTH CAROLINA pretending to be party human.

What makes this so interesting is not so much the insane accusation that the President is a failed leader because he did not call the “Libyan Government” to stop it, when the real reason is Republicans denied funding the state department so there was no extra security money to deal with it. Or is it that this Neo Con creepy crawler is all about war, and pounding his incessant war drum with his bitter, senile pal John McCain.

No, that is not what the story here. Rather it is that this is an example of the MODERATE OLD SCHOOL REPUBLICAN, using parliamentary Senate games to blackmail the President and stop the government from working unless he gets his way on more wars in more places. And in this specific case, something the American people just don’t care about.

The kicker is that if this moderate old school Republican can stop everything, what about the new Tea Party Crazies in the Senate Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Tim Scott? Just one of those nasty bastards can stop all appointments and legislation if they choose.

So if any one  actually believes the GOP is going to change, when we can actually see and hear the Old School being no different than the  New School, they got another thing comin’.