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facebook: creating unelectable future presidential candidates ONION

We all know just how brutal political campaigns can be. To win the candidacy your closet must be free of all skeletons – dog and human alike. Even the hint of a fictional indiscretion – for instance, being born in Hawaii without film footage, will be used in an effort to sink a good candidate. At this time, it is impossible to imagine either President Obama or Mitt Romney where they are today, while chained by photos of wild student bacchanuals and the careless banter typical of Facebook. This will be the fate of the current generation when they become of age. A different set of standards must be employed to cull the president of the future. For instance, did you exceed through shrewd financial acumen in Cafe World and Farm-ville? Alternately – a search must be launched for someone who has never touched social media – is there a young soul in the United States who is a technical virgin?