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Family values do not stop at the border

Family values

Perhaps the GOP doesn’t want THEM here because not only do THEY have better family values than we do, but also a much better work ethic. And too, their religion is more maternal and kind with all that compassion and bleeding heart loving that comes from the Virgin Mary. Who is almost non existent here. Oh and they are above the barbarian fun of state executions, and when was their last war? How many A-bombs have they dropped on densely populated cities? How many Muslims have the killed? S maybe it’s jealousy that has the GOP in a snit.

Family values, what a pile of crap.  The Republican’s loudest voice speaking for family values is Rush Limbaugh, who has been married four times, fathered no children, is a fat obnoxious slob and a morphine addict.

The family values issue that we hear the most about from Republicans these days is no families for gay couples.

And what are the family values we like to talk about so much? Here are the Christian Republican Family values:

1)      Hating Liberals so much their teeth bleed.
2)      Caring about little other than themselves, their wallets and potential people.
3)      Demeaning minorities, immigrants and foreigners.
4)      Promoting discrimination against homosexuals.
5)      Promoting the proliferation of handguns and assault rifles.

And here are the Secular Democratic Family values:

1)      A secure job with a future that pays well enough to support a family.
2)      Affordable, accessible health care whether out of work, poor or already ill.
3)      A free education for our children free of other people’s inclinations to the supernatural.
4)      Time off to spend with family members during critical times such as birth, sickness and death without getting fired.
5)      Neighborhoods free from gun-wielding lunatics.