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Fat Taxed! Arizona Republicans far to the Left of Michelle Obama

In another ploy to balance the budget without taxing millionaires, Jan Brewer’s band of merry men propose to charge $50 for Medicaid patients who have diabetes, are overweight, or for those who smoke. Those who are overweight must follow a doctor’s fat loss program or face a penalty. The funds would go to fund the Arizona Medicaid program…which is for people who are generally cash-strapped. Please remember, this is the party of small and unobtrusive government.

I find it highly ironic that Jan Brewer’s crew will enforce healthy eating legally. It was conservatives who screamed the loudest that the government was going to control our very food intake when they heard Michelle Obama’s suggestions for healthy eating and exercise to fight childhood obesity. As I recall, The First Lady formulated guidelines and encouraged fun activity – but none of the youngsters are to be fined for non-compliance.