There was much wrong with the entire grand jury show, giving benefit of the doubt to Michael Brown is just first in a long list.
Grand juries are county entities, and in much of America, especially in the South, they are appointed by Republican judges or Republican party activists to act as Republican rubber stamps for whatever the Republican county prosecutors put forward. A typical case lasts a few minutes to bill. Why not this case?
Grand juries are not trials. They are there to decide if there is enough evidence provided by the prosecutors to give enough probable cause to “bill” the accused. In this case the prosecutors acted more like defense attorneys than prosecutors. It was a trial with no opposing arguments by attorneys.
This St Louis grand jury was made up of 9 white people and three blacks. Is it just serendipity that to bill or no bill needs just 9 votes?
And you know, Darren Wilson would have probably been found not guilty in a trial, but not allowing that is a personal affront to every African American, well other than Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson anyway.
And lastly, how would this have gone down had Al Sharpton shot and killed an unarmed white kid who stole two packs of cigarettes? But you see, that’s the POINT OF VIEW thing which Republicans were born without. So it’s a silly argument, like their hypocrisy, their lies or how they just make stuff up. It doesn’t work on them, as Lady GaGa said, they were born that way. Fox News and talk radio make billions by buffing it up for them. There are two easy ways to make the biggest profits, selling religion and making a wholes feel good about themselves.