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Floridas Allen West too batcrap crazy for US Army but peachy for GOP

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Incoming Florida Rep. Allen West, the keeper of the bats in the GOP belfry has rallied the Teabaggers to "gather your muskets" to fight the tyrannical government. A recent speech slams Democrats and liberals as "tyrannical, socialist and despicable," so I presume we’re to learn to dodge musket balls? Lest his militia grow weary of watching for un-American activity, West warns of the encroachment of Sharia Law in the United States. If he could but recognize it, there are some ‘laws’ far more insidious, and much closer to home.

How fortunate for the citizens of this country that the Army chose to give Allen an early discharge with a full pension rather than any real punishment for his war crimes. He’s too crazy for the Armed Services, but he’s just right for Florida Republican Tea Party politics.