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Olbermann Worst: Brett Favre massage therapy texts

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Gold: Sen. Chris Christie N.J. and Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City. Calm down already, you New Yorkers, you’re so excitable! These two guys share the Gold, because everything has been ‘under control’ according to Bloomberg. There has certainly been no reason to panic and do something crazy like cancel Blooberg’s plans to go to Disneyland. After all, he has his priorities, and you’re all resourceful people – if not priorities.

Silver: Brett Favre needs a new phone carrier. First – the rather personal ‘portrait’ of Brett was texted, now obviously the same company is sending salacious text messages to a couple of nice girls who work as massage therapists. A man’s reputation is at stake here.

Bronze: Another ‘two-fer’ RNC Chair Michael Steele, and the competition for his job, former Ambassador to Luxembourg Ann Wagner. Don’t be impressed by Ann’s title. Both were asked a dreaded ‘gotcha’ question, anything having to do with books! In this case, they were asked to name their favorite. Steele named one book, but quoted a passage from a different book, an Oprah Book Club selection this fall. This was an understandable mistake in light of Wagoner’s, which remains a complete mystery! If you have insight, please share. I don’t even want to know where she has breakfast.