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FOD: If you don’t say GAY it will go away!

It is a real blessing when some 19th century state surpasses Texas in right-wing bigotry and stupidity. So hat’s off to Tennessee and their DON’T SAY GAY bill!  Arizona has been wonderful in this regards lately, so much so in fact that the Republican Arizona Chamber of Commerce is telling the Arizona Republican politicians to lighten up because in less than two years the state has lost about a half a billion dollars in revenues from conventions and tourism.

Here in Texas the GUNS ON CAMPUS bill failed at the last minute! This was the one that forced guns into all state run colleges and university classrooms, gyms, dorms, sporting events and of course fraternity keg parties. Not for lack of want or vote – as the Texas State Legislature has a super majority of 102 Republicans to 48 Democrats, but because one Democratic Hispanic legislator played a parliamentary game at the close of the session.

Down here in Dumbutt we are now worried that our ecstasy/keg parties will no longer be as secure as they could be.