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For Smart People Only: Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot anniversary video

I often feel empathy for the Republican Base who have so few role models to look up to. So little of our culture they can find acceptable. Stuck inside their bubble missing most of the reality going on around them.

There are few people in music or the arts they can look up to. They can’t watch anything at all on PBS or listen to NPR. Most of the TV shows and movies are made and acted by those they hate with themes they despise. People in sports are all in unions and mostly black. The only acceptable music is Country and even the king of that, Merle Haggard went over to Hillary last election cycle. They consider museums, universities and most all science a big pile of lies and hoaxes. Anyone smarter than they are is the enemy – which is most everyone other than themselves.

This beautiful video with the even more beautiful words of Carl Sagan will cause them to turn purple. But they will never watch it because just the word SAGAN is a warning of Godless atheism. How do these dull knives cope with the  ever smarter world leaving them ever more behind? How sad for them. How pathetic.

To compensate they listen only to talk radio and watch only Fox News which reinforces and celebrates their intolerance, bigotry and ignorance. All resulting in their ever growing anger, which always seems directed at immigrants, blacks, liberals, Democrats, teachers, professors, the poor, the unemployed, scientists and even science itself. All played out with their screeching at town halls, screaming at Obama at Tea Party rallies, expressing their hatred of anyone hyphenated. Who do they have as role models? Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Andrew Breitbart, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Rush Limbaugh, Tim Tebow and above all, the NRA. 20 round clips for handguns, 80 round clips for assault rifles available in any quantity to anyone at most gun shows.