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Fox Google GOP debate, Santorum vs Huntsman show party split

In this minute and a half we see two dynamics at work.

First, notice the crowd noise regarding pulling out of Afghanistan and leaving Pakistan to its own devices. Governor Huntsman gets a strong sustained applause from most of this mixed crowd of Republicans (as opposed to the last debate filled with Tea Party Boys and Bags). When intolerant Christian Tea Party boy Rick Santorum played the old Vietnam card [that we are tying the hands of our generals and not giving them enough troops or big enough bombs] the applause was loud, raucous and few. This is the problem the Republicans are having to suffer most these days, the divide between the ignorant Christian base and the old school country club bankers who have been using them so effectively in the past to make them ever richer.

Secondly, we are still hearing the screeching for the morbidly obese Chris Christie to jump in, who  win the nomination in a heartbeat! Well Huntsman has the same politics and is in last place. I guess the reasoning is that Christie is a fat a whole and Huntsman is a fit looking nice guy. FAT ASSHOLE 2012!

But the big news of the evening is Rick Perry lost to Mitt Romney which the polls will soon show.