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Fox News employees receive contraception insurance, Chris Wallace

There is a HUGE difference between Rush Limbaugh calling Ms. Fluke a slut and prostitute AND some on the other side calling Sarah Palin ALMOST as bad names. Ms Fluke is a PRIVATE CITIZEN, Sarah Palin is a PUBLIC FIGURE. And then there is the LIE of it. Calling a women who is an ignorant witch an ignorant witch, is not in the same ballpark as calling a woman who is not a slut and a prostitute, a slut and prostitute. 

Any person, group or religious organization who works to reduce access to contraception is MORE PRO ABORTION than Planned Parenthood. You Betcha!

Any person, group or religious organization who works to reduce access to contraception is dumber than a bag of hammers.

Religious liberty does not and should not include hurtful, stupid, intolerant, bigoted, misogynist 8th century bad ideas.

So where are the Republicans screaming about the government not allowing Mormons to have 72 virgin wives? Or Indians taking peyote. Or Rastafarians smoking pot in class. Or my new Christian Religion. Cannibals for Christ. Where we do not kill the children we eat! We only lop off an arm or a leg and then cauterize the stump on the Weber. The trouble with the very young ones is the taste of Similac.

And you know, THAT last paragraph is THE issue in all this that no one talks about.  When religious orthodoxy is stupid, bad, wrong and hurts not only individuals but society and the planet itself, then it needs to be heaved onto that ever growing gigantic garbage dump of historic religious CRAP.