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Fox News is Not Real News: San Francisco Officials on Kate Steinle

Fox News is Not Real News: San Francisco Officials on Kate Steinle Questions

Fox News reporters confronted members of the San Francisco board of supervisors over the death of Kate Steinle, and two of them dismissed the network almost immediately – because “Fox News is not real news.” It’s about time someone told them. Now the healing can begin.

Donald Trump and Fox ‘News’  have partnered in exploiting and sensationalizing the tragic shooting death of Kate Seinle this week.  On Fox, you won’t hear that Seinle was shot. You can’t say the gun-word; she expired from “unrepentant liberal” immigration policies according to Fox talking heads.

O’Reilly reiterated tonight that the liberal policies of San Francisco, the sanctuary city policy chief among them, caused Steinle’s death. He said the city supervisors are “unrepentant,” and showed video of three of them being hounded by Fox reporters.

Jane Kim stopped to talk with Fox hounds, telling them the big issue that needs to be addressed over Steinle’s death is gun control and keeping guns out of the wrong people’s hands. O’Reilly chose to ignore this comment, instructing his audience, saying: “So you see those women will not take responsibility for the danger they allow.”

When a Fox reporter confronted Katy Tang she said “Of course Fox News would be this rude” and walked away. When he tried to follow her with more questions, she told him, “You’re interviewing the wrong effing person.”

Scott Wiener was more to-the-point when he was confronted, saying, “Fox News is not real news, and you’re not a reporter. I talk to real news only.”