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Fox News Shepherd Smith and Chris Wallace SLAM GOP on 911 Responder bill

This blast seems very surprising coming from Fox News. But one has to consider two things here.

First off, Shepherd Smith is on Fox News one hour a day, Chris Wallace is on air one hour a week, and even that is aired on a different network.

 I am sure you took notice of the second issue at play here. The kicker so to say. That it was "Congress" who is guilty. The word "Republican" never enters into the discussion.

Of the 535 members of Congress, 17 Republicans voted to help fund medical care for the 911 responders.

ALL – EVERY SINGLE ONE – Democrats in both Houses voted for funding these 911 heroes.

ALL – EVERY SINGLE ONE – Republicans in the Senate voted against health care for these 911 heroes.

It goes without saying that the powers that be at Fox News (Roger Ailes) told these two Patsies that they could not use the word "Republican" regarding this issue. Real journalists, other than Fox News Patsies, would have walked off rather than submit to this grandiose lie of omission.

But this is just a drop in the bucket to the more important issue at play here. What for the next two years will be the mad elephant in the room.

If this is how Republicans feel about health care for real heroes who put their lives on the line, how do you think these selfish bastards feel about YOU and YOUR families health care options? Name me ONE GOOD THING about a Republican. Just ONE. What a sour reflection upon who we are…