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Fox Scoop: Democrat Obama is baby eating maniac

The official story is that the eight month old tyke, couldn’t keep his germy little fingers out of the President’s mouth. Obama himself said that his big nose attracted the baby – and everyone smiled, and vowed to play this video when the child is old enough to be embarrassed by his actions upon meeting the Commander in Chief on Christmas Day 2011.
We hear from Fox that it is only luck that the Obama Secret Service did not shoot the baby.

Here’s the truth Fox-O-Philes. Be very afraid that this went on under our own noses, at a military base! The President is often seen kissing babies, he has even calmed babies who would not stop screeching for their own mothers. This is nothing short of abnormal mind control of the youngest generation. More ugly yet, this video clearly shows the President attempting to eat the sticky little fingers of the inquisitive infant. You realize that in other photos he is chucking the little cherubs under their chins and – like any successful politician, kissing them…Or is he tasting them, and testing their relative plumpness?