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Frothy Santorum Ad inspired by VH1 Pop Up Video

In a wildly creative moment Rick Santorum’s people co-opted VH-1’s Pop Up Video format for his most recent ad. The VH-1 ‘info-nuggets’ ‘popped up’ while the video played, containing fun facts, trivia and slight sexual innuendo. Santorum was a half bubble off – or more in his version.

Santorum’s ad is full of bubbles. Fun facts – did you know he has 50 kids and one wife? (I may have miscounted, it looks like a lot of kids) You want trivia, he has that too. However, the bubble-makers left out Santorum’s ‘values’ bubbles. His stance on gay marriage would fill the screen with bubbles such as ‘homosexuality equals bestiality and pedophilia.’ ‘Pink is a gateway color;’ but thanks to Dan Savage no bubbles are needed. Santorum’s name says it all…And while he undoubtedly still feels the same way, young gay people will have one less dunderhead shouting that they’re evil!