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French Mock FOX Expert’s Claim “Paris Like Afghanistan”

French TV Host Mocks FOX Expert's Claim "Paris Like Afghanistan"

A hard-hitting report ‘from the field’ by FOX News guest ‘terrorism expert’ Nolan Peterson did not escape by the French TV show Le Petit Journal. This is quite remarkable, when you listen to Nolan’s breaking news report to a breathless Elizabeth Hasselbeck! It is remarkable that anyone has televisions or the leisure to watch them in France, according to Peterson. In his report, the ‘expert’ claimed that while in Paris, he observed residents living in dangerous  conditions not unlike Afghanistan and Iraq!
The most obvious signs of danger are reportedly  the  741 “no-go zones.” These are essentially lawless, Muslim ghettos, to be avoided by “normals” at all costs.   Nolan further described scary men in Bin Laden t-shirts, and Islamic extremists openly intimidating “normals” in the streets of the ghetto areas.

The ‘news’ from FOX was a surprise to French television program Le Petit Journal, which thoroughly lambasted fact-free Fox..
When the host of Le Petit Journal ran the video in his studio, the audience laughed and groaned to learn that their country is comparable to Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Our doubts about the truthfulness of the words of this specialist appeared when Barbie and Ken, the specialist on France, used” a debunked opinion poll that supposedly showed that 16 percent of French citizens support ISIS.
“The credibility of the Fox News clowns disappeared when they show a map of Paris with some ‘no-go zones’,” the host said as his audience mocked the top rated “news” station in the United States. The ‘no-go zones’ contain numerous restaurants and shops, which apparently cannot see the violence which engulfs them. In a ‘man on the street’ interview. one woman who was asked about the ‘no-go zones’ did not know whether the reporter was having her on, or not, and simply replied: “Your question is stupid.”
The host replied: “Yes it is, and our team took a huge risk.”

In the video, you will see English subtitles when the host of Le Petit Journal speaks.do not push stop, please!  You  will soon see and  hear the English speaking FOX ‘experts, who quote this and other false information,and  make complete asses of themselves. The French television host chops them up and serves them in a Fox Hot Mess Sandwich for your enjoyment.