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Frustration, betray us and George W. Bush

Are you there yet? By that I mean have you had enough? You’re furious about the current state of affairs, both foreign and domestic. You can’t sleep at nights because you’re so upset about this crazy no-end-in-sight invasion and occupation of Iraq, which is looking more and more like a prelude to the same thing in Iran. You hate the fact that in spite of the spin we’re less safe from terrorist attacks because you understand that we can’t change middle east customs anymore than they could change ours and it makes you insane that the Bush administration can’t seem to grasp this reality or even care for that matter. You cringe at the thought that we’ve squandered hundreds of years of prestige around the world in such a short time because of incompetence and crazy ass ideology. You want to bang your head against a brick wall every time you are forced to hear Bush, Cheney or another White House spokesperson fib about how rosy things are.

Yeah, we hear you, we’re all phised.

So what have we done to change this? Well, we’ve blogged, written for blogs, worked for campaigns, contributed hard-earned cash to dem candidates, and basically witched and complained to the choir for nearly seven years. We even voted en masse in 2006 and what has it gotten us? Other than a dem controlled senate and congress, put your thumb and forefinger together forming a circle.

We hear your seething because we are still embroiled in a no-win situation in Iraq. Our economy is in shambles with a disappearing middle class, crashing housing market, dissipating job opportunities, not to mention a surging deficit that will choke our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, leaving them to repay our debts to China and Japan for decades. During Bush’s tenure the US dollar has lost more than 40 basis points to the Canadian dollar, America’s largest trading partner, and even more to the Euro.

None of this had to happen if Bush had done two simple things; stay the hell out of Iraq and resist the sole GOP election strategy to give tax cuts to the already rich. He couldn’t resist either, and now the rest of us have to live with the consequences of these disastrous decisions. If there’s a saving grace it’s that he will go down in history as the worst president ever. Personally I hope he lives forever and gets reminded of this every day for eternity, and perhaps a few years after that just for good measure.