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Full Frontal Sam Bee, Identity politics is the horror of civil rights, Video

Full Frontal Sam Bee, The GOP horror of Identity politics is the horror of civil rights, Video

. What the GOP calls Identity Politics we once called Civil Rights.

Republicans say they won the election because of Democrats and their liberal Identity Politics using race, religion and ethnicity to get votes.

That the entire Trump campaign was about Republican WHITE Identity Politics no longer matters in our time of fake news and feelings over facts.

Whether it be screeching about Black Lives Matter, suppressing the black vote, banning Muslims, rounding up Mexicans, sanctioning grabbing women by the ass, or putting political incorrectness center stage [which by definition is the expression of bigotry.] The entire Trump campaign was written, directed, produced and acted on White Identity Politics.

Democrats beating themselves up to the tune played by Fox News after winning the popular vote by almost 3 million is absurd. And even more absurd is walking away from African Americans, LBGT, Latinos, Muslims and any woman smarter than a carrot and instead reach out to White Identity politics. I have a bowling ball for that.

If that Trump voter was not in my family, a friend or someone I have to work with would the be just as deplorable as the ones I don’t have to deal with everyday? Step across the street and you will find the answer is yes.