In a contest between the least qualified and most qualified presidential candidates in modern history, “…let’s hope Hillary doesn’t get lipstick on her teeth between now and November or it’s all over.”
And there you have it short and sweet, why millions – mostly men – equate an email server that resulted in nothing, a terrorist attack in Benghazi that the Secretary of State had nothing to do with and even if she did nothing could have been done about it and of course giving speeches to banks which I am sure every politicians has done, TO… A vindictive, narcissistic, foul mouthed, know-nothing, bigoted, racist, elitist billionaire orange buffoon who lies on the average of seven time a day and has done nothing for anyone but himself ever.
The refusal of so many millions of people to not recognize the sexism within themselves involved in this untrustworthy elitist crap is as bad as what I have heard so many times since I moved to Texas some 35 years ago, “I am not a racist, I just don’t like Nwords.”
It comes down to perhaps the oldest most important self help words of all time, KNOW THYSELF.
Or my generation’s spin on it:
I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment I could be you
Yes, I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
You’d know what a drag it is to see you
Bob Dylan – Positively 4th Street