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Funeral for Democracy rises as a Phoenix a day later! FOD

The most dangerous kick to democracy so far in this administration came yesterday with Alternate President Trump’s tweet that 3 to 5 million Hillary votes came from illegal immigrants. Just another big LIE from The Donald? No, it was a DAMN LIE from the Donald.

Oh they say, just another petty complaint from a vindictive narcissist.

No, this damn lie was purposely planned to help him and the Republicans further suppress the votes of minorities. An actual act of destroying our democracy on purpose with fake news and alternate facts.

He has called for a major investigation to that end.  Which the Republican held House and Senate will play to with their alternate witnesses, their alternate ideology and their alternate facts.

Sadly it will work in over 30 states held by Republicans. And once our alternate President gets one more Supreme Court Justice appointed, perhaps in all 50 states.