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George W Bush, soon to become the second worst president in History!

George W Bush, no longer the worst president in History!

. No doubt George W Bush is tripping the light fantastic as The Donald will soon redeem him to become not only the worst president in history but perhaps the last president history.

You know it’s true because you yourself recently said “I’d take George W Bush over this nitwit in a NY Minute!”  And hey, other than 911, the Iraq war and destroying the world economy, George wasn’t so bad. Well compared to what’s coming anyway. It should begin with an inaugural million man and woman mooning.

I think mooning is the answer. Flag burning?  Sure he can’t make it illegal, but he can send his vigilante groups out to take care of it. But it could be that The Donald’s vigilante groups, the Aryans, the KKK, the skinheads, the militias and the Alt Right who have now moved into the mainstream are so happy and pleased with themselves that they only need to sit back and enjoy.