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George Zimmerman and Paula Deen business franchise, Guns and Grits

paula deen fat women

This is a picture of supporters of Paul Deen post racism accusations out front of her restaurant openings in Savannah Georgia. As you can see, it’s not just Southern racist support, it’s well buttered fatass Southern racist support.  I wonder what percentage of Klan members now eat in her restaurants and buy her books. I wonder who fat Klan Members are these days? Could we start losing them all to type II Diabetes?

So what are George Zimmerman and Paula Deen going to do now with about half America and most of the world finding them creepy crackers? A new franchise?   Hold it, isn’t there an old economic cliche, Guns or Butter?  Hummm… Why not both?  Guns and Buttered Grits and Ammo.  I guess it needs shortening up for marketing, Guns and Grits.

I include this video because it best explains what Paula Deen is accused of and what she said.

There is a large amount of hypocrisy regarding Paul Deen’s well buttered fatass racist supporters – which is most all Southern Whites and the Republican Base along with most American Whites and Republicans.  This is about FREE ENTERPRISE, the FREEDOM AND LIBERTY of corporations to hire and fire whom they please  and say what they wish. This is the very reason Rand Paul is against the Civil Rights Act. Because  it denies freedom and liberty to private enterprise – which he believes  is a lot worse than denying freedom to African Americans to eat, sleep and take a dump where they wish.

“While Political Correctness concerns administrative reprimands for publicly expressing various forms of bigotry, Conservative Correctness concerns the click of safeties and jail cell doors for saying unpatriotic, irreligious and naughty things.”