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George Zimmerman selling gun that killed Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman selling gun that killed Trayvon Martin
“As much as I love owning all you trolls I have to work… On my tan!. Tell ‘Karma’ she’s worthless, God protects me.”

George Zimmerman – the second most disgusting human being in America makes one wonder why he has not yet teamed up with #1 Ted Nugent – is auctioning off the gun that killed Trayvon Martin, the price starts at $5000, a small sum for those who want the gun that killed the unarmed nword kid, it’s magical, it represents a free murder card. Any doubt that Zimmerman and those who bid on the gun are Donald Trump fans? It’s the nature of the beast.

“The firearm is fully functional as the attempts by the Department of Justice on behalf of B. Hussein Obama to render the firearm inoperable were thwarted by my phenomenal Defense Attorney… I am proud to announce that a portion of the proceeds will be used to: fight BLM violence against Law Enforcement officers, ensure the demise of Angela Correy’s persecution career and Hillary Clinton’s anti-firearm rhetoric.”

“I’m a free American. I can do what I like with my possessions.” George Zimmerman

George Zimmerman selling gun that killed Trayvon Martin
George Zimmerman proudly tweets the body of Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman selling gun that killed Trayvon Martin

One of many pieces of confederate art sold by George Zimmerman who is not a racist.