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Glenn Beck going Blind, whats he on?

"Yes, I have a problem with my eyes. A couple of weeks ago, I went to the doctor because I can’t focus my eyes … So I went to the best doctor I could find … he did all kinds of tests, and he said I have macular dystrophy."

Glenn Beck is going blind!

This reminds me of something.
Hmm… Let me try and recall… GOT IT!

A while back Rush Limbaugh said he was going deaf. It turned out an operation fixed him up but caused him to become… A morphine addict! A life as an Illegal American for 4 years. Forging subscriptions, doctor shopping and having his maid score for him on the street.

This also brings to mind following the antics of one B1 Bob Dornan in the House of Representatives in the 1990’s. He made his best pal Congressman Sonny Bono look like a rocket scientist when they would go back and forth during Special Sessions. A tree ended that relationship if I recall. But Dornan went on to knock the podium over, swear, spit, drool, threaten and he even came to blows a couple times on the Floor. Fun to watch. But it was not until he lost his seat to Ms Sanchez that it finally all came clear. Interviewed one night outside his home, it became obvious to me and everyone else in America, that ranting and raving was because HE WAS A DRUNK. Which was the problem all along that just had not occurred to me.

So what’s Glenn Beck on?  

Recently radical right-wingers Sarah Palin and Newt Gringrich topped President Obama in the polls. That’s "thinking about emigrating" material. If Glenn Beck tops Obama in the polls its time to actually pack your bags.