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Video: OIbermann special comment, The racist witch hunt of Shirley Sherrod courtesy of Fox and Breitbart

This is a story of Civil Rights as lived by Shirley Sherrod – whose father was killed by white men, and then in response had the Klan burn a cross in her yard – yet later as a grown women, working to help poor black farmers, found compassion in her heart for the struggling white couple who sought her help, and in doing so healed the bitter wounds in her heart. It was in the telling of this story that unimaginable evil came into her life again at the hands of Andrew Breitbart and Fox "News". It goes without saying that she is an inspiration and a much better person than most, and without question, the better of the creepy crawlers involved in the intentional fraud and near-ruination of her life which has been perpetrated and spread within the last 24 hours.

Keith Olbermann gives no quarter in laying blame for what happened to Ms Sherrod, and none is deserved. Dubbed "The promographer of propaganda" Andrew Breitbart edited, rearranged, and completely changed the context of Sherrod’s message into one of racism. Enter Fox, which Keith has dubbed "The 24 hour parade of feces dressed
up as news" to both live down to their title and spread Breitbart’s handiwork. No one checked the original tape
of Ms. Sherrod in its complete context, or interviewed the obliging elderly couple who play a part in this story until today. By that time, our national shame was complete. No one Left or Right considered the source, not the NAACP, not her boss Tom Vilsack of the Department of Agriculture, not MSNBC nor Jim Messina and Robert Gibbs. Keith Olbermann plumbs the depths of the current political atmosphere in anualyzing why even the Left were anxious to act swiftly if not efficiently to squelch this case of perceived racism, and no one comes out unscathed including President Obama who may learn an important lesson through this experience.