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Glenn Becks Arguing with Idiots #1 NYT Bestseller!

"Glenn Beck likes arguing, but has a deep-seated hatred for logic." Stephen Colbert

"Only in his wildest dreams could an actual suicide bomber hope to do as much damage to this country as Glenn Beck does every day." Keith Olbermann

"Glenn Beck is an idiot." Discover Magazine

New York Times # 1 best seller for non fiction, ARGUING WITH IDIOTS – How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government written and edited by Glenn Beck. If ever a title to a book pointed backwards toward its writer and readers, this one is it! My God… High school grad, morning shock jock and drug and alcohol addict is now our nations priemer scholar on the US Constitution! And getting away with it no less! Could Glenn Beck be Rush Limbaugh’s bastard son? 

Drive a Prius? Believe more guns in bars is not a good idea? Think climate change is real? That Darwin was NOT an idiot? That Republicans won’t pick Lettuce for $5 an hour. Well then you are not only an idiot but have a small mind and need to pay attention to your intellectual betters you see screeching and hollering at those Tea Parties, Birther Bangs and Town Meetings.

None of the crazy, dishonest and less than true hate the American government crap overflowing from this book is controversial as we have now been saturated with it since Barack Obama became president, which of course has nothing to do with race. But I cannot help but notice how very very white are these Beckians screaming about wanting their country back.

Back from what one wonders? They want to go back to George W. Bush getting is into a trillion dollar war (more than the cost of 10 years of public option health care would cost) and $31 trillion lost to deregulated Republican banking and trading? That trying to fix those things these very people caused by voting straight tickets for Republicans means they have lost their country? Yeah right. Its ALL ABOUT their taxes going to Negros and Mexicans and what the guns are for! Is everyone really so stupid as to not understand that?  Gosh… With this book as the best America has to offer today, the answer to that is a resounding yes we are the United States of Duh.

Well there is one bit of controversy with Beck praising Article I, Section 9, Clause 1 of the Constitution which put a $10 tax on slave owners for each imported slave until 1808. He does this to argue that the constitution put a price tag on coming to America proving his anti immigration argument! Of course he fails to note that it was not the immigrants who paid the tax but the slave owners and they were not immigrants coming her voluntarily but slaves for christsake! Gosh, this is the kind of logic used by, hmmm… Small minded idiots. Beck on Slavery at Media Matters