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Glenn Greenwald NSA Interview, Colbert Report

Glenn Greenwald interview part 1

Glenn Greenwald interview part 2

Our collective posture is collect it all, sniff it all and exploit it all says the NSA

glenn Greenwald interview colbert reportI have to give it to Glenn Greenwald for entering the United States to sell his book. I am surprised he hasn’t been thrown in jail as yet. Though one thing goes without saying, if John McCain or Mitt Romney were President he would already be locked up and breathing through a wet towel. Lucky for him we have President Mompants in charge.

We need someone like Putin in the White House. Someone who will deal with the armed ATV riders in Utah in a proper Putin manner

I suppose we could use Glenn Greenwald as the example of as far left as it gets in American politics. Gay married and expatriated in Brazil is only a small part of it. So let’s compare him to as far right as it gets, Ted Nugent. You see?

Whenever the NSA comes up this picture of just one of the NSA buildings we pay for pops up in my head…

nsa headquarters

Then I recall Vladimir Putin who when asked just a few weeks ago if he oversaw a NSA like agency in Russia, he said no way that Russia could not afford anything like it. Probably true. They just watch CNN to find out what is happening at the bottom of the ocean.

Poor Glenn Greenwald banished to Rio for Madi Gras. My heart goes out to him. And did I hear correctly? Greenwald got a Pulitzer Prize for ratting on America? Where does that prize come from? One of those communist countries like Australia or England where they have gun laws, health care and roundabouts?