“More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not likely to significantly contribute to the greenhouse effect, its just all part of the hoax.” Rush Limbaugh Radio Program 2007
A Newsweek article the other day did a good job explaining how the Global Warming Deniers have managed to get most Americans to believe scientists are divided on whether Global Warming is real or not.
Even today, contrary to hundreds of empirical studies, thousands of scientists all over the world and the well oiled PR machine working Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, about half of the American public are not buying the reality of Global Warming.
The Hoax game is funded by the oil, gas and mining industries. The PR work is done by free market think tanks, talk radio hosts and a few conservative nutcases in Congress and the White House. I will not name names of the main players like the American Petroleum Institute, the Global Climate Control Coalition, the Science and Environment Policy Project, the Cato Institute, Fred Sanger, Rush Limbaugh, Dana Rohrabacher and Senator Dumbass his own self, Daniel Inhofe.
“Could be the man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” Senator Daniel Inhofe (R – Knuckle Drag)
The industries who pollute the most pay scientists to tout their line of bullcrap. The standard rate for a scientist to naysay Global Warming is about $10,000 per published article and some of the think tanks and lobbies are completely funded by the energy industries. One newsletter, World Climate Report received $160,000 from the mining industry to push the hoax. Money is the biggest draw but conservative ideology brings a few scientists into their fold.
Just like Intelligent Design, this is a well funded handful of paid non empirical scientists pushing a political ideology to call into question the real science to make it seem it’s an equal argument.
Are they so consumed with free market ideology it overrides their own existence?
They don’t care because they will be up in Dumbass Heaven before it becomes serious?
Do they hate Democrats, Liberals and Progressives so intensely that nothing else matters?
Or is it just a simple case of a bunch of genetically self consumed wankers gone wild?
Help me with this please.
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