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God unanswers Parents Prayers and 11 year old Madeline Neumann Meets her Maker in Wisconsin

I was taking a break from slamming my head against the wall over the Bush administration’s incompetence when I came across the story about the parents who prayed for their child instead of taking her to a physician. I didn’t think anything could top the callous disregard for life our fearful leader and his cronies display in their slo-mo destruction of the freedoms I love. But I was wrong.

Apparently even God thought these people were such crappy parents HE knocked her off rather than have her remain with them. However because I am a Pollyannaesque character, I think there is a bright side to this story.

First, maybe God wanted her there with HIM. And who were these people to stand in the way of GOD! I know I wouldn’t. Are you with me?

Two, maybe they just didn’t like her. Ten year olds can be pretty annoying you know. All the time with, "What’s for dinner?" and "Janie’s mom doesn’t make her eat this." and "How come we pray to Geebers, and the Rosensteins pray to Yobble, and Achchoo prays to Mumbleboo?" and that pre-adolescent killer, "WHATeverrrrrr." That "whateverrrr" can do it every time.

Are we really sure these people were praying FOR her?
Hey, Just sayin’… Think I’m being more insensitive than the parents?