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Good Guy Phil Video: Only thing to stop a bad with a grenade is a good guy with a grenade

good guy phi hand grenadeAfter all, we each need weapon parity with the federal [Negro led]] government who is about to come crashing through our doors to take all our guns away.  Well our assault rifles and our extended magazines anyway. Well not even that. But you get the point.  I recently did some looking around to find that only about 2 million people have either assault rifles or extended clips. So if we were to crash into their homes to take those specific weapons away, that would be FIVE time less federal police crashing into homes to tear 11 million mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and grandparents from their families, as most Gun Enthusiasts would like to do.  Pick your amendment, two or four.

On the parity issue I have always asked my gun enthusiast pals how much one should lead an F-14?  And what's the best plan to kill those Navy Seals coming for you? Or will they be putting armor on their bass boats when they engage battleships and destroyers? And of course, how many of OUR TROOPS do the expect to kill each day? Oh, and will they kill the white ones as well as the black ones?

All the mass shooters, most every murderer who uses a gun, every parent whose kids accidentally shoot themselves are GUN ENTHUSIASTS. If you get shot, it will be from a gun enthusiast. So… We need to keep guns away from gun enthusiasts. It's as simple as that.

I keep hearing from gun enthusiasts that we can solve the problem by keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. There are about 30,000 gun deaths a year. More than half are suicides which I am willing to bet NONE of whom are criminals.  The next group of gun murders are crimes of passion, few if any are criminals.  Even the vast majority of gang and RESPECT gun murders on the streets are done by kids too young to as yet be criminals.  Shooting accidents are not done by criminals.  None of the mass shooters were yet criminals. Though I can't find the documentation on this, I am willing to bet that less than 10% of gun deaths are committed by criminals.  Why have I never heard anything about this from anywhere else? Is there some sort of Political Correctness at work here that this line of thought would be defending criminals or something.

Guns don't kill people, gun enthusiasts do.
