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GOP Debate, Audience boos gay soldier, Santorum is santorum

Google (a sponsor of the debate) recently refused (once again) to remove from the world the definition of "santorum" being a frothy mix of lubricant and fecal matter.  A frothy mix of lubricant and fecal matter smells far better than Rick Santorum. 

And here again we hear the raucous BOOs of the Tea Party Christians in the crowd. And the most Christian candidate telling the soldier he will throw him away. Of course the defense is that only a few booed. But we all know this issue well, and that half of that crowd wanted to boo but held in in because of the cameras. Only a few could not help themselves. The most Christian of them to be sure.

This ugliness is a step down from the previous debates where this same gang of santorums took so much joy in hundreds of executions and letting people with no health insurance die. For on this one these intolerant Christian bigots are booing someone far more brave, patriotic and human than they are.