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GOP Gohmert: Guns on the floor of Congress makes for lively debate

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We’ve recently heard Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty and Heidi Harris speak longingly of the charming ‘solution’ of returning to duels to settle differences. Palin spoke of it after recent differences with ‘journalists and pundits.’

Rep. Louie Gohmert the forward thinker, took a maverick-like turn from the herd when he stated that a completely armed House, ready to break out into volleys of gun fire is a long way from what he implied was the arcane idea of duels. Obviously he didn’t get the January talking points memo. He seriously feels that arming every legislator is the solution for security worries. By ruling out duels,
he leaves open the problem of a quick mediation method between politicians and the media.

They’re still ironing out a few wrinkles in the new "Defend Us First" legislation. Any way you look at it the answer is guns and more guns.