Happy Martian Luther King Jr. Day! Which Republican controlled Arizona does not accept as a holiday.
"Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act" really is the actual name of this first Republican bill submitted to congress. [If you can find what H.R 1 is more power to you]. Not only is there nothing "job killing" about it, their math as to what it costs is equally bogus. They add such things as the cost of living increases to doctors treating Medicare patients which has nothing to do with health care reform. In fact they deny most everything the non partisan Office of Management and Budget has to say though before Obama became President the accepted it as the word of God. Why the change I wonder? The War on Logic by Paul Krugman
Math, logic and dishonesty aside, what is this really all about? Why are Republicans so angry about insuring the uninsured (moving from a system of costly emergency room care to a less costly system which includes preventative care). Why are Republicans so livid about insuring those with preexisting conditions? And above all why are Republicans so MAD at requiring everyone to chip in to pay for better health care and better HEALTH for everyone no matter their income or job?
Well in this new world of political civility I suppose I can no longer say they are just a gang of selfish bastards who could care less about anyone or anything outside their field of vision, but instead of going there perhaps just a short list would be more productive.
The three reasons Republicans what to KILL health care reform:
1) Political ideology – This is the very core of our American discourse. The Republican belief that money earned by an individual or a corporation is theirs to do with what they will, and for the government to take it away to alleviate poverty, give hope to the hopeless, or even improve children’s health is theft, European Socialism and tyranny. All of which the believe is what Jesus stood for.
2) Political elections – Republicans readily admit that their primary directive is to destroy the presidency of Barack Obama so they can regain the White House and the Senate in 2012. They already control the Supreme Court so this would give them control of all branches of government. Which means we will need a wall to keep people in.
3) Racism – This health care bill is little different than what the Republicans submitted in 1994 in response to Hillary Care. It is almost identical to what they praised Republican Governor Mitt Romney for in his health care bill in 2006. And the first rail of American politics is and has always been, the WHO our hard earned money will be distributed TO. The media image of unemployment and food stamp lines, of homeless and soup kitchens, of prisons and poor schools, of hand outs, laziness, crime and amoral behavior is Black and Brown.