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GOP Prefers IRS Line-Dancing, Proof of Obama Collaboration, Over ‘Tough’ Immigration Issues. Martin Bashir

The Republicans finally have Obama and the IRS dead to rights! There is no doubt that the Tea Party, conservatives and all right-thinking Americans were targeted by an evil collaboration between President Obama and the IRS.  Fox News and other right wing trumpets of doom have  blasted the ‘gotcha’ news non-stop!   There’s just one little detail…The math which proves the crime is – slightly off.

GOP Prefers IRS Line-Dancing, Proof of Collaboration, Over 'Tough' Issues Like Immigration. Martin Bashir

IRS Commissioner Shulman was cleared to go to the White House (for Health Care reform meetings) 157 times!!!!   It is with a heavy heart that I report that Shulman only went to the White House eleven times…And blew off the weekly meetings.  Somehow this new numerical  intelligence does not dim the enthusiasm of the persecuted, nor halt the march to impeachment of the determined. Still…A Republican Congressman wonders: “Have we avoided the tough issues?”

While the IRS group dance videos are fun to watch, the reality of the situation is brought home to us. This cannot have been the best time those IRS employees have ever had, and the line dance was but a very small part of the process.  They were required to be there, and yes it was a silly exercise, the same kind that  many of these events tend to feature.  However, having watched the RNC and other Republican social events, I can certainly understand how they would confuse the IRS exercise  with a wild night at Studio 54 back in the day.
