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The GOP’s Only Hope: Racism Insurance Like A Good Neighbor!

Good Neighbor Racism Insurance!  The GOP's Only Hope

The insurance jingle will be familiar, “Like a Good Neighbor” – but only metaphorically speaking!   If Republicans hope to scoop up minority voters, they’ll have to do more than pick up a few perennial nutters like  “The Rent’s Too Damn High” guy and Cliven Bundy’s new ‘Blazing Saddle’ pal – whose name already slips my mind…Not a good sign for our candidate. This new service is custom made for the GOP and for anyone who is a product of white privilege,  pale schools and neighborhoods where you didn’t get to make friends naturally with people of all colors. If you’re from such a background, there may be times when you  innocently  say the wrong thing around your black friend or co-worker. Of course, you mean to say the right thing, but it just comes out so wrong! Do you ever find yourself tip-toeing the line between trying to be ‘honest and just plain being racist? Well then, check it out. Racism Insurance may be just the thing for you!

How much embarrassment, and how many bruises and beat-downs – verbally – (we’re not thugs here)  could you avoid if you could just click your ruby slippers together, sing the ‘Good Neighbor’ insurance song, and have a black representative from Racism Insurance appear to set things straight between you and the black people you’ve offended?!  If what you’ve said is just too moronic, he may slap you himself, but for the most part  it will be a very good thing. I wonder if the Ferguson Police force can get a group rate?