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I got screwed but Obama Lied, Lukovich cartoon

screwed by old insurance plan

There are so many things wrong with this parade of the screwed that the GOP brings forward continuously. It’s apples and hammers, it’s moving from bad catastrophic only plans to the real thing.

What if Democrats presented every horror story of women denied an abortion, or gays denied employment, or hungry kids denied food stamps and on and on.  We can always find that percentage of fail and anger in anything at all.

The answer is far more simple than Obamacare. Simply change the words “65 and older” to “everyone” in the Medicare Act and there you go. Healthcare more effective at a lower cost, deficit fixed and finally a big fix on the debt. Follow the models of Taiwan, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and most of the rest of the civilized world who do it through private insurers, a payroll tax and universal SATISFACTION.

If the Republicans are correct and CEOs and Corporations are our friends, they will drop all their employees insurance plans and pay their employees the difference, which will cover most if not all of the payroll tax, which with everyone in the pool, will bring the cost down by about half per plan.

But we are not allowed to do that for two reasons.

2) Why should I pay anything to benefit someone I don’t know?