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Gretchen Carlson Says Good-Bye With Ten of Her Most Unintentionally Hilarious Moments


Gretchen Carlson Says Good-Bye With Ten of Her Most Unintentionally Hilarious Moments on Fox and Friends

Do not think for one moment that former beauty queen Gretchen Carlson was just set decoration on Fox and Friends, she took her job very seriously –  once  reasoning: “Being an anchor is the same thing as being President of the United States”  It’s wearying and time consuming to argue with logic like that.  In one episode she looked up the word ‘ignoramus’ and still came out wrong…But that devotion and inquisitive mind are surely qualities which influenced Fox in making the decision to let her fly solo.

Carlson was also on top of the Squarepants situation, taking note when Spongebob was ‘ talking a lot about Global Warming.’ In keeping with the Fox ‘fair and balanced’ credo she affirmed,” and he’s only looking at it from one point of view!” Keep tuned for a special “Spongebob’s Global Warming – A View From Big Oil,” featuring his new song, “Frack It Up!”

Carlson announced Tuesday that she is exchanging her Fox and Friends gig for a show of her own afternoons on FOX News, of course. This bit of good luck is what finally freed Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s  from the bondage of  ‘liberal’ television. Before we welcome Hasselbeck, let’s look back at ten of the most memorable, ridiculous and simply mind-boggling moments from Gretchen’s Fox and Friends career.