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Happy New Year from Citizens United, Morin

When the biggest issue of our time is the growing disparity of wealth which is bringing a fail of Democracy in favor of a Plutocracy the majority Republican Supreme Court passes Citizen’s United to make it all far worse. In fact it is the worst decision in the history of the Supreme Court [Dred Scott affected some 10% of the population, Citizen’s United affects 99% of the population]

Those 5 Republican Justices knew damn well what they were doing, handing Democracy over to those with the most money, also knowing that it would take a Constitutional Amendment to undo. 

IMPEACH CLARENCE THOMAS TODAY! He is an incompetent hate filled sleazy unrepentant crook that takes money, gifts and vacations from Right-wing and Corporate lobbies ON CASES HE SEES, including the Koch Brothers and the Tea Party.  No past or present Supreme Court Justice does this, well except Antonin Scalia to a much lesser degree.

He has made no comment from the bench in 6 years. He is totally consumed with a seething overwhelming hatred of Anita Hill and all LIBERALS and PROGRESSIVES. He is not only an embarrassment to the highest court in the land, but to African Americans, the  United States and the human race.

Replacing Clarence Thomas with an appointment from a Democratic President would result in more real fair and positive change to America than which party controls either the House, the Senate or the White House. You Betcha!