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Hardball: Stephen King What IF John F Kennedy had lived ?

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What if someone could go back in time and prevent Kennedy’s assassination? That is the theme of Stephen King’s new novel titled 11/22/63. Would we have seen an even bigger and brighter next term, or would his legacy have been tragically tarnished in unimaginable ways?

King says he wants to show people "HERE IS WHERE HATE GETS YOU EVENTUALLY" and claims that videos from the 1960’s show that hatred was just as rampant in those turbulent times. That is indisputably true. I beg to differ that it was the same as now however. Sarah Palin pasting targets on a map of Democrats, or the oinking of Rush Limbaugh would never have been tolerated or broadcast as news by mainstream media then, the better to poison the minds of the unbalanced and heavily armed.