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Health Care passes, SUN RISES ANYWAY

I got up and ran outside this morning to see if the Sun was going to rise. To my surprise it rose in the East just as always! Hallelujah! 

You heard about those Tea Party people (who the media claim are just regular people only concerned about the debt upon our children) on the steps of the capital yesterday who screamed the N-WORD at the oldest living hero of the Civil Rights movement John Lewis. Tea Party Name calling on the Capital Steps

Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) was spat on by one Tea Bagger, Rep. John Lewis
(D-Ga.) was called the N-word by another and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was called a "gay".

Want to know what a Republican is thinking? Just listen to what a Tea Bagger is saying…

Even a House Member, a Texas Republican it is suspected, screamed "Baby Killer" at Rep
Stupak of all people!  Gosh… I mean really… Come one…

The Republicans are spitting mad, literally! House Majority leader Boner was actually drooling and spraying spittle into the camera lights.

What makes these Republicans, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, so MAD? Well other than just being bigoted, intolerant selfish a wholes they are. Does every single aspect of life depend completely on taxes they do not want to pay? Isn’t that what "big government", "Don’t tread on me", "jam down our throats" and "FREE markets" really mean? Nothing else matters to these people in this the lowest taxed industrialized nation on Earth? And the most Christian I might add. That even thousands of people dying each year for want of health insurance doesn’t matter to them? Just because they hate to pay taxes?

It must be more than that. Over the years I have found it is actually three core issues that drives the GOP. Which you can put them in whatever order you wish:

Genetic failure to see things from another point of view beyond their own.

A visceral hatred of having to pay taxes.

Affirmative Action for Whites slowly deteriorating.  

This is also far from over. Not only are the Republicans going to play lots of parliamentary games, but we can also expect a few states to secede from the union. Perhaps Texas will beat South Carolina to the draw this time! After all this does have quite a bit to do with bringing up those not so lucky to be born as white as Republicans. Though Mississippi or even Idaho could be a sleeper!