The Assholes are going to stick with their destruction of Health Care and Medicaid come Hell and very high water. The Senate plan is even less popular than the House plan having a 17 percent approval rate with even Republicans giving it only a 35% approval rate.
The Assholes do not care because they know the Idiots will vote for them no matter what they do. The Idiots only other option would be to vote for Godless, baby murdering, gun grabbing, smartypants who have been shoving Negroes, Mexicans, Muslims and Queers down their throats for as long as they remember.
The GOP, the party of Assholes and Idiots.
Healthcare Bill Song – Please Die
Let the sick just die
It definitely saves money, honey
Don’t you realize it costs a lot to keep you alive
So rather than go through this health care rodeo
If you can’t pay up we’d rather see you goPlease die so I can have more money
And money is more important than your life
Please die so I can have more money
You pay for my health care but we don’t care about your strifeI can buy a 2nd yacht
Sorry about your grandma
Your health is just an afterthought
Compared to my chihuahua (she’s so cute though)We are pro life all the way
Until you are born
We’d prefer if you’re not gay
If you are here’s my retortPlease die so I can have more money
And money is more important than your life
You pay for my health care but we don’t care about your strife
Please die so I can have more money
Oh please die so I can have more money
Not you though, you do the dying part
I’ll do the more money part