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Herman Cains Head Full of puppies and duckies

If Cain had stalled with that degree of lameness as a second grader in a parochial school, he would not have the use of his knuckles today. The nuns were tough, but they knew a scammer and a nitwit when they saw one.

RJ Adds: I saw conservative commentator Matt Lewis this morning defending Newt Gingrich wanting to send himself to jail for lobbying Freddie Mac and all the silly brain farting Republican candidates. His defense was that President Obama is just as bad as they are! After all Lewis said, Obama believes there are 57 states!

This was a big thing in the 2008 election because conservatives played it that either he is a moron or a Muslim wanting to bring the 57 Islam nations into the United States.  Just to give an example of how far Republicans have to reach, here is the video and the text.

"It is wonderful to be back in Oregon. Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it."

The mistake is more than obvious. He was going to say "I have been to all FIFTY states except…"  And then with a pause he went on to mention the SEVEN, which is the math of the 3 states he has not yet been to, 50 -3 is FORTY seven.

It’s not like Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump, Rick Perry or Herman Cain not knowing what the Hell is going on. But they still beat this one into the ground. Notice the Youtube got over 3 million hits. Obama, Harvard Grad and Constitutional Law professor is a Muslim and a moron. 

And these people playing that crap are now in charge of the House and the Supreme Court. Very very badly they want the Senate and the White House which the may very well do primarily because of FAITH BASED voters. As opposed to REASON, FACTS and SCIENCE BASED voters. The GOP has a 30 point jump on Democrats because of it. It is not because of it being made up stuff, but because it is ignorant, nasty, selfish, intolerant, bigoted, violent made up stuff. As Jesus’ last words said so well, " Father, execute all these sonsawitches!"