In this clever cartoon, an American tries to buy a gun, and hits a few pesky snags. Annoying legalities combine with a moral gun shop owner to deny him his right to act upon the impulse to shoot a “monster” of a neighbor who obviously needs killin’ as you’ll see! Why, the things the neighbor demands are downright – French!
Like many new fans of Jefferson, this ‘Murican would certainly be on TJ’s Facebook ‘friends’ list, yet what he doesn’t know about Jefferson would fill a black hole. As with the Easter Bunny, it’s much more satisfying to assume he is what you imagine him to be.
The France-lovin’ gun store owner tries to talk the man out of committing murder, but his logic falls upon deaf ears. Says the murderous American: “I’m an American, and I’m right – and that’s all there is to it!”
In America, it’s your right to own a firearm, sleep with your neighbors, set your dogs loose, advertise your dubious sex appeal and eat blocks of cheese on a scooter. You may then shove a bald Eagle where the sun don’t shine and post it on Youtube!
Note: Please do NOT attempt the Bald Eagle Challenge. A lot of you had fun with the Cinnamon Challenge, likewise Banana & Sprite…Whole gallon of milk (to a lesser degree) and Diet Coke and Mentos. Some of you even did the Jumbo chubby Bunny and oh, so many more, . but please keep the birds – bald and otherwise, out of your behind.