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Hilarious Cringe-Fest: Congressional Leaders Forced to Touch in MLK Award Ceremony

Hilarious Cringe-Fest: Congressional Leaders Forced to Touch in MLK Award Ceremony Democratic and Republican leadership could not ‘overcome’ their mutual fear and loathing today, when they were forced to risk cooties and hold hands while singing “We Shall Overcome.”   One might think that the two warring factions could put aside their differences  when you consider the occasion. Lawmakers were brought into uncomfortable proximity for the ceremony awarding Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King the Congressional Gold Medal. The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest honor from Congress that shows national appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions.

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King were posthumously awarded at a moving ceremony that marked the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In what should have been a celebratory occasion. Certainly the warring factions could pull off a Kumbaya moment to celebrate how far we’ve come as a country…Right?    House Speaker John Boehner awkwardly held hands with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell clasped hands with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The video shows Senator Carl Levin, Rep. John Lewis, and Marcia Fudge, all Democrats, also holding each others’ hands .People have controlled their expressions better while being led to the guillotine.

Of course, “We Shall Overcome” is one of the most iconic songs of the Civil Rights movement. For 50 years it has rarely failed to bring a tear to the eye and a feeling of unity in any group giving voice to the anthem…Until today.  The group, which apparently couldn’t manage both singing and swaying, attempted to sway – while keeping a stiff distance, as the Army Chorus led the room in song.