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Hilarious Romney Photo Op Flops With Gay Veteran for Marriage Equality!

Romney photo op AWKWARD as newly married Vet grills  Mitt on Gay Marriage
Years on the campaign trail have failed to make Romney less awkward in connecting with real people. In December of 2011, during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Willard sat down for a cozy chat and a photo op with Vietnam War Veteran Bob Garon, who was having breakfast.   As you’ll see, Romney believed he’d established commonalities with Garon. After all, the two are the same age, and both served their country during the Viet Nam War – each in his own way, of course.  Romney I believe, was in the French Theater.

A priceless ‘deer-caught-in-headlights’ moment for Romney slowly dawns after numerous questions by Garon about the right to gay marriage, something Romney only answers mechanically and repetitively in the negative. When he realizes he’s talking to a happily married man – Romney wastes no time in getting gone!  Garon, who had been polite, fair and persistant in his questioning of Romney on the topic, summed his conclusions  up with a succinct “Take yer ‘No way Jose’  back to Massachusetts!”