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Hillary Clinton, Presumptive President and Elitist

Hillary Clinton, Presumptive President

Typical Palin family values at work with a drunken Track Palin receiving a little anger management after punching his girlfriend to the floor,  then kicking her in the knee, and holding a loaded AR15 to his head to keep her from dialing 911 all goes without saying, but the loaded AR15 so commonplace in Palin households’ was still laying around on the kitchen table when police arrived, like a toaster. Anyone else in Alaska, especially an Indian, would be years in jail for this. But the story is not so much the family values at work but Sarah Palin tweeting after the sentencing about how there is a different set of rules for the Clintons and her fans to overlook such profound hypocrisy.

Sarah Palin is also a liar for blaming Track’s drinking and violence problems on PTSD as Track never saw any combat in Iraq. Probably warm beer no Ho’s PTSD.

Todd Palin recently went to critical condition from crashing his snowmobile into ?  at ? o’clock leaving ? with an alcohol content of ?

The elitist Todd and Sarah Palin live by different rules than the rest of.

After Dallas police massacre more laws were passed to make police lives more important than everyone elses’.

Elitist Donald Trump can get away saying THOUSANDS of horrible things, while ONE by anyone else would knock them out of the game.

Every Republican in Congress enjoys laws making them better than the rest of us.


Donald Trump averages a dozen a day for more than a year. 400 times 12 =  4,800
Hillary Clinton  =  2

Donald Trump is honest and Hillary Clinton is not.  Stink-think.

Best name for him so far…

The Velveta Raccoon or Cheeto Jesus?