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At home living with your parents, FOD

living with your parentsLuckily for the kids these days, times have changed quite a bit since my generation came of age.

We could not wait to get out of the house, it was imperative to get out as fast as possible. Back then there was something called a GENERATION GAP that was so profound communication was limited to only food, cars or chores.

There was little if any agreement on politics, sex, religion, culture or what have you. These days there is little difference with any of that. Rock and Pop dominate the generations. Sexual morals, politics and religion are all in pretty much the same.  Significant others sleep over, smoking pot in the garage is a who cares. You can even have people over for jello shots with your Mom.

There is also that family thing so much of the rest of the world enjoys, YES ENJOYS. Living with 3 or even 4 generations under the same roof. Sharing the responsibility of bringing up children with a close and viable extended family. Rather than driving one poor mother to distraction or sending the kids to live with strangers all day.

It’s not so bad, guys living at home just have to keep their girlfriends away from the dads is all.

But I must say, back then there were jobs that paid enough to move out, cheap cars, cheap gas, and cheap car insurance and you didn’t need a phone.